Core Content Strategy Statement

Activity Time
2 hours
Internal Project Team

By the time you sit down to define your core content strategy, you should be very familiar with the organization and the content you are working with. You’ve hopefully completed a content audit, have clearly defined business goals, and a good understanding of your users.

What is a core strategy?

According to Brain Traffic’s Kristina Halvorson and Melissa Rach, a core strategy sets the long-term direction for all of your content-related initiatives to help ensure everything is working together towards the same big picture goal. The core strategy statement is a tool to help communicate your core strategy in a quick, easily memorable way.

How To Create a Core Content Strategy Statement

  1. Write a sentence that captures your core strategy. Remember that this is an internal document, so use plain, normal language. A good core strategy statement captures the following: what you’ll do, how you’ll do it, who you’ll do it for, and why you do it.
  2. Annotate the key parts of the sentence to give some insight into why you chose the words you did. It’s just like back in school when you had to diagram a sentence, except you don’t have to remember the grammar rules for this one.

This core strategy statement tool is sourced from Kristina Halvorson and Melissa Rach’s book, Content Strategy for the Web.


Core Content Strategy Statement: Annotated Sentence Template